US Embassy in London hosts City of Ali screening
US Embassy in London hosts City of Ali screening
City of Ali director Graham Shelby introduced the film and participated in a talkback session with attendees at the embassy, who responded well to the documentary.

City of Ali Education Program featured in NETA newsletter
City of Ali curriculum highlighted by National Educational Telecommunications Association (NETA)

“City of Ali” screening at Tulane University
Tulane University Alumni, Producer Jonathan McHugh, returns back to campus to screen his new documentary “City of Ali”.

“City of Ali” Opens 6th Annual Milwaukee Muslim Film Festival
The Wisconsin Muslim Journal dives into the work behind the scenes in making “City of Ali” Documentary . Featured interviews from the Producer Johnathan McHugh and Director Garham Shelby of the documentary.

Press Release — Aug 3rd
The city of Louisville previews the film and announces that “City of Ali” will be streaming on iTunes/Apple TV, Amazon Prime Video, & Google Play August 3rd!

The Christain Science Monitor Reviews “City of Ali”
The Christian Science Monitor gives “City of Ali” a 4 star rating and discusses how the film brings Muhammad Ali to life.

Today Show Interviews Rasheda Ali About "City of Ali"
The Today Show interviewed Rasheda Ali as she recalls the impact Muhammad Ali's celebration of life had on her.

Ebony Interviews Rasheda Ali Discussing "City of Ali," Her Dad and More
The Ebony interview with Rasheda Ali details what the celebration of life held for her father, Muhammad Ali, meant to her, featured in “City of Ali.”

Associated Press Features "City of Ali"
The Associated Press featured "City of Ali," a new Muhammad Ali documentary centering around his relationship with his hometown and the celebration of life Louisville held for him.

New York Times Reviews "City of Ali"
The New York Times review details the unique focus "City of Ali" places on Muhammad Ali's hometown, Louisville, Kentucky.

The Guardian Interviews Rasheda Ali
The Guardian's interview with Rasheda Ali shares several important details about Muhammad Ali's life captured in "City of Ali."

Roger Ebert Reviews "City of Ali"
The Roger Ebert review of "City of Ali" details how this Muhammad Ali documentary focuses on Ali and his hometown, Louisville.

Movie Nation Gives "City of Ali" 3 out of 4 Stars
Movie Nation Critic Roger Moore reviews "City of Ali," rating it three out of four stars.

iHeartRadio Features "City of Ali"
iHeartRadio details the new Muhammad Ali documentary, "City of Ali," that takes viewers on a journey back to the celebration of life.

Easy Reader News Reviews "City of Ali"
Easy Reader News Reviews "City of Ali" detailing how this documentary carved out a new storyline of Muhammad Ali's life - the significance of his hometown.

Houston Style Magazine Reviews "City of Ali"
Houston Style Magazine details how "City of Ali" captures the final chapter of Muhammad Ali's life.